Entries by Manuel Brenner

The gawper ban

Today’s topic is the so-called gawper ban! In August 2018, an amendment to the Security Police Act came into force, which enables the police to send away gawpers, i.e. onlookers who obstruct the assistance of the emergency services and also interfere with the privacy of the person involved in the accident.

The eCall system

Today we deal with the so-called eCall system! Since March 31, 2018, vehicles of class M1 and N1, i.e. passenger cars and commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tons maximum permissible mass, must be equipped with a so-called eCall system when they are newly placed on the market.

The bus stop

Today we are dealing with the question of whether it is permissible to drive on the bus stop area of a bus of regular motor transport, or bus stop for short. The answer is relatively short and simple: Yes, it is allowed. It is even allowed to stop and park on a bus stop. In […]

The Non-Smoker Protection Act

Today I am devoting myself to the , Tobacco and Non-Smokers Protection Act. What changed? Here, the minimum age was raised from 16 to 18 years and one is now only allowed to buy and consume cigarettes oneself from the age of 18. Furthermore, if a person under the age of 18 is in a […]

The breakdown lane as a traffic lane

  Dear friends of the driving school at AKH! Today, in this article, I deal with the breakdown lane as a traffic lane. When I was writing the Drive Mondays about the emergency lane, I often asked myself: Why do you use an emergency lane when there are breakdown lanes everywhere in Austria, on which […]

The Immission Control Act-Air

  Dear friends of the driving school at AKH, today we are dealing with the Immission Control Act Air, or IGL for short.   To whom does the law apply? This applies to all motor vehicles with a few exceptions. That means, even if it sounds a bit strange, the law also applies to purely […]

The most important amendments in 2019!

Dear friends of the driving school at AKH! Today we would like to introduce you to the most important amendments to the Driving Licence Act and the Motor Vehicles Act, which came into force at the end of 2018 and the start of 2019 respectively.